NEW T-81 in Service

New Tanker 81 went in service this past weekend with limited equipment. Due to the drought conditions, it was important to get this new 3000-gallon Tanker on the road to assist with grass and wood fires as well as illegal burns. The first two days this truck flowed over 10,000 gallons of water on emergency incidents.
This past weekend Friday-Monday we were dispatched to over 70 calls, several of which were illegal burns that got out of hand. Extreme Fire Conditions still exist, and the burn ban remains in effect.
Below is a list of 911 calls over this past four-day period:
Structure Fire- 1
Grass/Woods Fire- 5
Outside Illegal Burn- 13
Medical Calls- 28
Alarm - Pull Station- 1
MVA w/ Entrapment- 3
Gas - Smell in a Residence- 1
Motor Vehicle Collision- 5
Tank/Fuel Storage Fire- 1
Live Wires- 2
Smoke in a Building- 1
Service Call- 2